Information and facts on Uveitis

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Uveitis is a general medical term for inflammation affecting the middle layer of the eye which is called the "uvea". The uvea consists of 3 distinct structures: iris, ciliary body, and the choroid. The iris is the colored ring around the pupil of the eye; the choroid is a thin layer of blood vessels covering both the back and sides of the eye; and the ciliary body is a ring shaped structure between the iris and choroid that joins the iris with the retina, the inner layer of the eye. The ciliary body has two main functions: its muscles serve to focus the lens, and it also produces the aqueous humor, a nourishing liquid that bathes the front of the eye. Uveitis may affect any or all of these 3 parts of the eye. The primary symptom of uveitis affecting the choroid, known as posterior uveitis, is a vague feeling of hazy or fading vision. Some people see black spots that seem to float before their eyes. Iritis, also known as anterior uveitis, is a type of uveitis that affects the iris, although the term is sometimes used for inflammation that includes the ciliary body as well. Iritis can cause redness, pain, blurred vision, an intolerance to light, and, sometimes, headaches. Uveitis is often linked to an autoimmune disorder such as rheumatoid arthritis, but it can also be the result of infection. More often than not, there is no obvious cause. Uveitis can be a precursor of other eye problems, including glaucoma and detached retina. If you suspect you may have uveitis, then you may wish to consult an ophthalmologist for a complete eye examination.


Nutrient / Supplement Importance
( 1 - 10 )
Helpful notes
beta carotene
10 good for all eye disorders, they are very important for rebuilding and repair of body cells. Generally, a carotenoid mixture combined with a complete multi-vitamin and mineral supplement is very good for eye healing, repair, and maintenance.
Multi-vitamin and Mineral supplement 10 contains vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B complex, manganese, selenium,  and zinc which all are helpful in both the treatment and prevention of uveitis. The nutrients supplied in a daily supplement are required for good general health and well being.
Essential fatty acids 10 these fatty acids found in flax seed oil, borage seed oil, and fish oil are needed by every cell in your body. They serve to reduce pain, inflammation, and swelling. 
Selenium 9 this mineral is an important antioxidant and helps to prevent free radical damage in all areas of the body including the eyes.
Bioflavonoids 9 bioflavonoids are natural antioxidant and free radical destroyer, help prevent eye damage and also relieves pressure from cataracts.
vitamin A 9 important for good eye function and it is also a powerful antioxidant
vitamin C 9 works with the bioflavonoids healing the body by their antioxidant properties
Grape Seed extract 9 powerful anti-oxidant that promotes body healing 
vitamin E 10 helps body healing process and it also serves as a powerful antioxidant and helps rid the body of free radicals.
vitamin B 8 is required for eye cell tissue metabolism
Zinc 8 deficiency in the mineral has been linked to eye disorders. Zinc is also used to boost the immune system and heal.



If you are diagnosed with uveitis, your doctor will likely prescribe a corticosteroid. Depending on the specific location of the inflammation, the drug may be: taken by mouth, applied topically, or injected. However you take them, if you must use steroids for an eye problem, you need to be monitored by a medical professional. These drugs are generally quite effective, but there are potential negative effects. If you have a herpes infection of the eye, the use of steroids can be disastrous. Steroid use is also associated with an increased risk of glaucoma.

In some cases, steroids are not able to suppress the inflammation and a stronger inhibitor of the immune system such as azathioprine "Imuran" or cyclosporine "Neoral, Sandimmune", which are used to prevent rejection in organ transplant recipients, may be necessary. Potential side effects include an increased susceptibility to infection, low blood counts, and others. These drugs should not used for a long period of time otherwise side effects and serious problems could develop.

If an infection is found to be the root of the uveitis problem, your doctor may prescribe an appropriate antibiotic or you could use a natural supplement like the Immunity herbal product.


Other Changes To Make

  • drink 6-8 glasses of steam distilled or filtered water a day

  • eat 50% raw fruits and vegetables (organic is best)

  • nuts, seeds, and whole grains are good

  • juice is good (make your own with a juice machine)

  • do not worry as much about calories as eating the right foods

  • carrot and celery sticks are good to use as a snack

  • a colon cleansing can be very helpful - (do several times each year)

  • do not drink coffee, alcohol, soda pop, other junk food drinks

  • do not eat processed foods white sugar, white flour, etc...

  • use stress relief like going for walks in the park (or the 10/90 rule - see Stress)

  • brown rice is good to eat

  • avoid red meat and animal fats

  • reduce dairy products cheese, milk, and others

  • fast a few days a month

  • get at least 8 hours of sleep 

  • exercise light to moderate amounts

  • avoid artificial sweeteners like Aspartame and NutraSweet

  • do not smoke and avoid second hand smoke

  • do not skip meals - just eat better and not as much at each meal

  • do not chew gum - it can cause you to feel hungry

  • do not watch too much TV try reading a book or something else


All information presented on these web pages is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, or to administer to any physical ailments.
In all matters related to your health please contact a qualified, licensed Medical Consultant or Doctor.
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........Symmetry herbal and nutritional products for Women, Children, and Men includes vitamins, herb supplements, skin care, weight loss, water filters, sport's nutrition, and health maintenance. Giving you and your family an alternative natural way for prevention and healing treatment of disease - also to aid in well being of mind, body, and spirit.