Information and facts on Attention Deficit Disorder

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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder also called ADHD or ADD - attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity, is the newest name given to a group of disorders of certain mechanisms in the central nervous system. (see symptoms below) With the long list of names this disorder has been given over the years, it may be confusing what the criteria are for diagnosing either ADHD or ADD. As stated in the 4th edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the American Psychiatric Association describes three different categories of ADHD 1) Inattentive 2) Hyperactive Impulse, and 3) Combination. This webpage will use ADD when referring to the inattentive form without hyperactivity, and use ADHD for both the hyperactive impulsive and combined forms.

ADD/ADHD is the fastest growing childhood problem in the USA, now affecting over 10% of all school aged children. Boys are diagnosed with ADD or ADHD 10 times more often than girls. Although often thought of as only a childhood problem, ADD/ADHD may be found in adults. It causes different learning and behavioral problems, often making it difficult not only for the affected person, but for their entire family, friends, and social relations.Often the ADD/ADHD child is labeled as having a learning disability, the child normally is of average or even above average intelligence and may be highly creative. Factors that have been linked to the development of ADD/ADHD include allergies, anxiety, heredity, smoking during pregnancy, hyper-insulinemia, oxygen deprivation at birth, environmental stress or pollutants, artificial food additives, injury, infection, lead poisoning, allergies, and prenatal trauma.  Now more and more, importance is being placed on the role of diet and nutrition for aiding with ADD/ADHD. Many people with these conditions react to certain preservatives, dyes, and salicylates found in foods. These items can throw off the balance in the chemistry of the brains, often producing negative changes in behavior. A low-protein diet may be a contributing factor. Though the topic has been debated for years, research studies have definitively shown that food additives can be a factor in hyperactivity. 

The ADD child may be more difficult to diagnose than an ADHD child because the hyperactivity is much more obvious than is inattentiveness But the procrastination, difficulty in concentrating, and inability to start or finish projects that is characteristic of the disorder can have damaging effects that can last through adulthood ADHD produces hyperactive, restless, impatient, and impulsive behavior Despite this, children with ADHD can have the ability to pay attention and complete assignments, often spending many hours doing things that are interesting to them. Adults with ADHD seem to constantly be going and getting things done, but they often grow impatient quickly and have a tendency to lose their tempers easily as well. The combined form of ADD/ADHD can be the most debilitating and problematic. Children with this type of the disorder often have low self-esteem, are impatient, do not follow rules or act responsibly, are often clumsy, think that they are always right, do not want to accept change, and do not adapt very well. With the enormous increase in the number of recently diagnosed cases of ADD and ADHD, many researchers feel that it is possible that it is being over diagnosed. It is hard to diagnose accurately because some of the symptoms can appear in healthy normal children at times during childhood. In fact, over 60% of parents suspect that their child has ADD or ADHD at some point during the child's upbringing What may merely be creativity or a high energy level can be misdiagnosed as ADD or ADHD A diagnosis of ADD! ADHD should made by a team of specialists who are experts In the disorder, and it is wise to get a second opinion if your child is diagnosed as having ADD. Important to remember however, that diet and nutritional play a role in all aspects of a child's or person's health and life. So the old saying applies " An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure".  So providing the proper nutritional supplementation is often the best solution.


Nutrient / Supplement Importance
( 1 - 10 )
Helpful notes
Magnesium 10 low intake of magnesium has been linked to attention deficit disorder and it has a calming effect,  a good source of magnesium is a quality multi-vitamin & mineral supplement especially one with calcium, vitamin C, and vitamin B complex which all work with the mineral magnesium .
Calcium 10 a companion to magnesium and also has a calming effect.
Inositol 9 Preliminary double-blind studies suggest that inositol may aid problems like depression, panic disorder, and attention deficit disorder.
vitamin C 8 vitamin C is an anti-stress vitamin found in a good multi-vitamin and mineral supplement.
vitamin E 8 protects cell membranes, aids circulation, and promotes healing
Multi-Vitamin & Mineral Supplemement 10 vitamin B complex, vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin D, boron, inositol, and with anti-oxidants like pine bark, green tea, and grape  seed extract. These nutrients in this type supplement are required for general good health and well being.
Niacin 9 vitamin B3 helps with brain function and neurotransmitters
Pyridoxine 9 vitamin B6 required for good brain function
Pantothenic acid 9 vitamin B5 helpful for stress
Kava kava 9 herb that helps to sooth and calm
Ginkgo biloba 9 herb that is helpful for brain function, focus, and concentration
Aloe Vera 9 this herb helps to reduce stress and works well in combination with the herbs kava kava, passionflower, and chamomile for people with ADD.
Grape seed extract 9 powerful antioxidants for cellular protection of brain and body
Gotu kola 8 herb helps with hyperactivity
Licorice 8 herb helps with hyperactivity and works well in herbal blends
Essential fatty acids 8 often lacking in diet of people and children with ADD or ADHD
Zinc 8 Many ADHD children are deficient in this mineral

SYMPTOMS OF ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder

  • Difficulty solving problems or managing time

  • Extreme distractibility , trouble focusing

  • Procrastination - putting things off

  • Forgetfulness, a tendency to lose things frequently

  • Disorders of speech and hearing

  • Difficulty in organizing or finishing tasks

  • Absent mindedness, inability to remember things, sequences, or events

  • Sloppy and/or impulsively done schoolwork that contains obvious rnistakes

  • Lack of concentration

  • Continuous "brain chatter" 

  • Learning disabilities

  • Emotional instability, daily or hourly mood swings

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Lack of goals

  • In adulthood, failure in career or relationships

SYMPTOMS OF ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

  • Problems adapting to new things

  • A tendency to disturb other children

  • Self-destructive behavior

  • Difficulty doing assignments or chores on one's own

  • Temper problems

  • Impatience, difficulty waiting

  • Low tolerance for stress and otherwise ordinary problems

  • A tendency to become frustrated quickly

  • Inability to sit still for any length of timme

  • Impulsive, unpredictable, or daring behavior

  • Clumsiness or awkwardness

  • A tendency to talk too much

  • Disruptiveness in the classroom

  • A tendency to blurt out answers without having heard the entire question

  • Failure in school despite average or above-average intelligence


Other Changes To Make

  • drink 6-8 glasses of steam distilled or filtered water a day

  • eat 50% raw fruits and vegetables (organic is best)

  • nuts, seeds, and whole grains are good

  • juice is good (make your own with a juice machine)

  • do not worry as much about calories as eating the right foods

  • carrot and celery sticks are good to use as a snack

  • a colon cleansing can be very helpful - (do several times each year)

  • do not drink coffee, alcohol, soda pop, other junk food drinks

  • do not eat processed foods white sugar, white flour, etc...

  • use stress relief like going for walks in the park (or the 10/90 rule - see Stress)

  • brown rice is good to eat

  • avoid red meat and animal fats

  • reduce dairy products cheese, milk, and others

  • fast a few days a month

  • get at least 8 hours of sleep 

  • exercise light to moderate amounts

  • avoid artificial sweeteners like Aspartame and NutraSweet

  • do not smoke and avoid second hand smoke

  • do not skip meals - just eat better and not as much at each meal

  • do not chew gum - it can cause you to feel hungry

  • do not watch too much TV try reading a book or something else

All information presented on these web pages is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, or to administer to any physical ailments.
In all matters related to your health please contact a qualified, licensed Medical Consultant or Doctor.
Symmetry herbal and nutritional products for Women, Children, and Men includes vitamins, herb supplements, skin care, weight loss, water filters, sport's nutrition, and health maintenance. Giving you and your family an alternative natural way for prevention and healing treatment of disease - also to aid in well being of mind, body, and spirit.

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........Symmetry herbal and nutritional products for Women, Children, and Men includes vitamins, herb supplements, skin care, weight loss, water filters, sport's nutrition, and health maintenance. Giving you and your family an alternative natural way for prevention and healing treatment of disease - also to aid in well being of mind, body, and spirit.