Information and Facts on Gotu Kola

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The herb gotu kola rebuilds the energy reserves, and is thought to be particularly useful after a nervous system support. Gotu Kola is sometimes called "food for the brain".

Gotu Kola helps to combat stress, improve reflexes, and increase mental and physical power. Gotu Kola is used for high blood pressure, senility, aging, and to help the body protect itself against toxins, though there is no real scientific support for these claims.

This herb was first used in India, where it is part of Ayurveda, the traditional herbal medicine. It was also mentioned in the Shennong Herbal compiled in China about two thousand years ago. In recent years, gotu kola has become popular in the West as a nerve tonic to promote relaxation and to enhance memory.

Indian healers used the gotu kola herb to treat skin inflammations and as a mild diuretic. Oriental healers relied on gotu kola to treat emotional disorders such as depression that may be rooted in physical problems. Gotu Kola has also been used to bring down fever and to relieve congestion due to colds and upper respiratory infections.

Recent studies show that gotu kola has a positive effect on the circulatory system: It seems to improve the flow of blood throughout the body by strengthening the veins and capillaries. Gotu Kola therefore supports peripheral circulation, especially important in the legs.

Gotu Kola has been used traditionally for people who are inactive or confined to bed due to illness. Proponents of the herb also believe that its beneficial effect on circulation may help improve memory and brain function.

The gotu kola herb also has an important potential role in gynecology. Gotu Kola has been used successfully to promote healing after episiotomy, a surgical incision of the vulva performed to control tearing during childbirth. In fact, in one study reported in a French medical journal in 1966, women treated with gotu kola after childbirth healed more rapidly than those given standard treatment.

Symmetry Products with Gotu Kola: 

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........Symmetry herbal and nutritional products for Women, Children, and Men includes vitamins, herb supplements, skin care, weight loss, water filters, sport's nutrition, and health maintenance. Giving you and your family an alternative natural way for prevention and healing treatment of disease - also to aid in well being of mind, body, and spirit.