Information and facts on Emphysema

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Emphysema is a chronic pulmonary disease which is normally caused by a loss of elasticity and dilation of the lung tissue. A person suffering from emphysema has a hard time exhaling and stale air remains trapped in the lungs. This lowers the important exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. A common symptom of emphysema is even with small exertions, breathlessness followed by coughing. Most people have a history of cigarette smoking, however the symptoms may not occur until middle age.  The symptoms of emphysema:  the first symptom of emphysema is usually shortness of breath. Sometimes coughing or wheezing are noticed first, and patients and doctors alike may confuse it with asthma. Weight loss occurs frequently and may be so sever that cancer is suspected. Some patients have chronic bronchitis before developing emphysema. With time, the patient develops an expanded "barrel chest" due to trapped air in the outer parts of the lung.

Emphysema is a disease for which there is no known cure. Doctors can only help people with emphysema live more comfortably with the disease. People with emphysema can expect to have chronic coughing with sputum production, wheezing, and difficulty breathing. It is not like cancer, which kills its sufferers fairly quickly, emphysema is a disease which progresses slowly and persistently, gradually reducing the person's ability to breath and leading to death. For people, who have extensive lung damage at the time of diagnosis the prognosis is likely to be very poor. In many cases, death from emphysema is precipitated by an acute respiratory type disease like pneumonia or by other complications such as cardiac arrythmias or pulmonary embolism.

There are lifestyle changes a person with emphysema can make which will improve his/her quality of life. The person who quits smoking can expect to greatly reduce the rate at which their disease progresses. Furthermore, they will see an almost immediate improvement in overall health. Also, patients who work hard to maintain overall good health habits will have an improved chances. Proper nutrition, adequate sleep, and regular exercise build up stamina and resistance to infections, which if contracted can cause rapid acceleration of emphysema. The patient who follows these simple tips and who faithfully complies with their medication program is likely to have a much improved prognosis. Nutritional supplementation is required to keep the body and immune system strong. 


Nutrient / Supplement Importance
( 1 - 10 )
Helpful notes
Carotenoids 10 very important for rebuilding and repair of body cells, which is critical for emphysema and cancer patients. A carotenoid mixture combined with a complete multi-vitamin with good mineral content can provide the body with materials to heal itself. Chemotherapy patients using combinations of everything listed on this page will improve their recovery rate, grow back hair sooner, and feel better faster.
Omega fatty acids 10 required for rebuilding new cells in the body
Multi-vitamin & Mineral supplement 10 contains vitamin A, vitamin E , vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, and other items listed here, all are helpful in both the treatment of emphysema.
Bioflavinoids 9 bioflavinoids are anti-cancer agents that promote the production of natural interferon in the body. They strengthen the immune system and aid in the healing of body tissues.
Methionine 9 Helps aid in repairing damaged lung tissue
Garlic 9 herb that boosts the immune system and helps with all forms of healing
Glutathione 9 helps in repairing damaged lung tissue
Copper 8 works with and balances zinc
vitamin A 8 needed for repair of lung tissues and this vitamin also serves to boost the immune system of the human body.
vitamin C 8 this vitamin strengthens the immune system and works well with bioflavonoids and carotenoids.
vitamin E 9 this vitamin is an oxygen carrier and also a potent anti-oxidant. Being deficient in this vitamin can cause destruction of cell membranes.
Licorice 8 herb that helps with lung health
Calcium 8 mineral that helps with the nervous system and general health. It helps with stress in the body of all forms
Magnesium 8 mineral the works with calcium
Zinc 9 mineral that helps the immune system
Grape seed extract 8 antioxidant that helps with lung healing



Other Changes To Make

  • drink 6-8 glasses of steam distilled or filtered water a day

  • eat 50% raw fruits and vegetables (organic is best)

  • nuts, seeds, and whole grains are good

  • juice is good (make your own with a juice machine)

  • do not worry as much about calories as eating the right foods

  • carrot and celery sticks are good to use as a snack

  • a colon cleansing can be very helpful - (do several times each year)

  • do not drink coffee, alcohol, soda pop, other junk food drinks

  • do not eat processed foods white sugar, white flour, etc...

  • use stress relief like going for walks in the park (or the 10/90 rule - see Stress)

  • brown rice is good to eat

  • avoid red meat and animal fats

  • reduce dairy products cheese, milk, and others

  • fast a few days a month

  • get at least 8 hours of sleep 

  • exercise light to moderate amounts

  • avoid artificial sweeteners like Aspartame and NutraSweet

  • do not smoke and avoid second hand smoke

  • do not skip meals - just eat better and not as much at each meal

  • do not chew gum - it can cause you to feel hungry

  • do not watch too much TV try reading a book or something else

All information presented on these web pages is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, or to administer to any physical ailments.
In all matters related to your health please contact a qualified, licensed Medical Consultant or Doctor.
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........Symmetry herbal and nutritional products for Women, Children, and Men includes vitamins, herb supplements, skin care, weight loss, water filters, sport's nutrition, and health maintenance. Giving you and your family an alternative natural way for prevention and healing treatment of disease - also to aid in well being of mind, body, and spirit.